How to Score
How to Score -
1. Arrive 10 minutes prior to game. As soon as previous game has ended, head over to the scoring bench. The Ref’s will renew the computer screen and pull up the players details for your game. Check all numbers match player names. Tick who is playing, confirm. You will see the ready to play/scoring screen.
2. Decide who is on the computer and who is on the scoreboard, with the person next to you. It is imperative each team has one person scoring.
3. Watch the game! Every time there is a foul or a score – the Ref’s will signal you. Acknowledge the ref’s and confirm it out loud to the person next to you.
i.e. “Foul on 22” - “2 points 45”
We need to communicate openly with the person from the other team, so there is no confusion or disagreements. If you missed something, or there is disagreement/confusion - check with the Ref! You need to get the Ref’s attention straight away, so they can confirm a call they just made. Don’t be afraid to call them over mid-game!
If you clicked something incorrect on the computer, there is an “Undo” button, but you can only go back 1 step/click – anything further, the Ref’s need to do.
4. If you are on the computer, for any call Click the Player Name and assign the Points/foul by clicking the correct button.
5. If you are on the Scoreboard, decide at the beginning of the game which team is Light and which is Dark - for any call Push the button for Points or Team Fouls.
Speak to your Team Manager if you need assistance with learning how to score